Common American Phrases [Unlocked]
In this new edition of Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, noted lexicographer Richard A. Spears shares with you 1,900 of the most common phrases and colloquial expressions used in contemporary American English. Here you will discover the greetings, good-byes, and everyday small talk that Americans use daily. All entries have been selected with the special needs of you, the nonnative speaker of English, in mind!
Inside you’ll find:
• Examples or short dialogues with each entry that illustrate how the phrase is used in everyday speaking
• Usage restrictions or warnings for those situations when a phrase may be inappropriate
• Shortened or abbreviated expressions cross-referenced to their complete forms
• A Phrase-Finder Index to help quick and easy reference
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ARAMA ARAÇLARI - anlaşılır, işlevsel ve kullanımı kolay bir arayüz sayesinde kelimeleri zahmetsizce bulun.
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• Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
ÖĞRENME ARAÇLARI - kelime dağarcığınızı daha da geliştirmenize yardımcı olan ilgi çekici özellikler.
- Kapsamlı kütüphaneden kelime listeleri içeren özel klasörler oluşturmak için 'Sık Kullanılanlar' özelliği
- Aranan kelimeleri kolayca gözden geçirmek için 'Son' listesi
- Kelime dağarcığınızı her gün genişletmek için 'günün kelimesi' bölümü
- Ana ekran widget'ı bir bakışta rastgele kelimeler sunar
• *NEW* Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps
Ekran Görüntüleri
• Fully optimized support for Android 10
• Offline mode feature
• Translate word from any Android app with the Tap to Translate feature
• Customize your dictionary with any of the five new color themes
• New Help Center
• Bug fixes and performance improvements