Seu widget de calendário APK (Pro desbloqueado)
Your Calendar Widget is a widget, that can be used on the homescreen, lockscreen and your notification bar to show your upcoming Google Calendar events. You can easily configure and adapt the widget to your needs. Each widget has its own configuration. This allows you to have several widgets with different calendar- and display-settings.
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Mod Info:
- Recursos Pro/Pagos desbloqueados;
- Permissões indesejadas desativadas/removidas + receptores + provedores + serviços;
- Gráficos otimizados e zipados e recursos limpos para carregamento rápido;
- Permissões de anúncios / serviços / provedores removidos do AndroidManifest;
- Links de anúncios removidos e métodos de invocação anulados;
- Visibilidade dos layouts de anúncios desativada;
- Verificação do pacote de instalação da Google Play Store desativada;
- Código de depuração removido;
- Remova o nome padrão das tags .source dos arquivos java correspondentes;
- Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase desativados;
- Idiomas: Multilíngues completos;
- CPUs: arquitetura universal;
- DPIs de tela: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
- A assinatura do pacote original foi alterada;
- Lançamento da Balatan.
Your Calendar Widget is a homescreen calendar widget. It shows your upcoming appointments.
You can easily configure and adapt the calendar widget to your needs.
You can easily access your calendar application or a certain appointment, by clicking on the todays date or the appointment in the widget. The widgets preferences can be opened by clicking on the preference icon in the widget. Via the “+”-icon, new appointments can be created.
Each widget on your homescreen has its own configuration. This allows to have several widgets on the homescreen with different calendar- and display-settings.
Your Calendar Widget provides the following features:
- decide which calendars should be displayed in the widget
- set the period in which to search for appointments
- set the maximum number of appointments to display
- choose between three different display-modes (calendar agenda)
- predefined styles
- notifications that allow you to see upcoming events in the lockscreen
- scale the whole widget
- fontsettings for almost every element. Moreover its possible to have different fontsettings for ongoing and soon upcoming events (today, tomorrow).
- separate configurations for each widget
Capturas de tela
App migrated to Android 13