Leitura rápida Premium APK

With our application, you can independently increase the reading speed to the desired level without expensive courses.
4.4/5 Votos: 36,801
Universo Green Key
Google Play
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Mod Info:

  • Assinatura Premium / Recursos pagos desbloqueados;
  • Permissões indesejadas desativadas/removidas + receptores + provedores + serviços;
  • Gráficos otimizados e zipados e recursos limpos para carregamento rápido;
  • Permissões de anúncios / serviços / provedores removidos do Android.manifest;
  • Links de anúncios removidos e métodos de invocação anulados;
  • Visibilidade dos layouts de anúncios desativada;
  • Verificação do pacote de instalação da Google Play Store desativada;
  • Código de depuração removido;
  • Remova o nome padrão das tags .source dos arquivos java correspondentes;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase desativados;
  • Não há rastreadores ou anúncios ativos;
  • Modo compatível com AOSP;
  • Idiomas: Multilíngues completos;
  • CPUs: arquitetura universal;
  • DPIs de tela: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • A assinatura do pacote original foi alterada;
  • Lançamento da Balatan.


Download APK

With our application, you can independently increase the reading speed to the desired level without expensive courses. Specially selected simulators in the application will help you quickly memorize numbers and words, increase the ability to concentrate, expand the field of view and significantly increase the speed of your reading.

With the skills of speed reading you will:

  • Learn to save time when reading any text;
  • Always find the most important text in the text;
  • Develop memory, attention and expand your vocabulary;
  • Start to think differently, effectively solve problems, think creatively, manage more, and become more energetic and successful!

Thanks to special simulators, such as Schulte Table, memory and attention development simulators, you can increase your reading speed by several times.

The program allows you to read books in the formats fb2, epub, txt.

Discover for yourself a new wonderful world of speed reading, and you will be able to outperform competitors, cause respect of your partners, superiors and subordinates!

Capturas de tela

  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela
  • Speed Reading — brain training Captura de tela


- Minor bugs fixed
