Siga o Chess Unlocked
Now broadcasting Altibox Norway Chess, USA Championship, WorldAmateurs and other tourneys.
– use the app a lot almost the best way to follow chess” -Vishy Anand (Former World Chess Champion)
– I have it installed and I like it” – Peter Svidler(Russian GM and 7 time Russian Champion)
– find the easiest way to watch an event the size of ChessWorldCup is with @asimpereira ‘s Follow Chess app – justperfectly designed” -GM Jonathan Tisdall
-inally got the @Follow ChessApp! Feel like I’ve been livingunder a rock all this while. Highly recommend!” – WGM TaniaSachdev
♞ Watch multiple live games in a single screen! (works offlinetoo!). And with the new WatchList feature, you can also watch multiple live games from DIFFERENT tournaments in a singles creen!
♞ Tap board to launch the analysis board. You can enter your own moves too or seek engine assistance. The board will update when new moves are made!
♞ Now get notified when round of your favorite tournament starts oreven each game results. Configure it per tournament.
(Pro users can subscribe to all tourney notifications. Free versionis restricted to any one tourney, at a time)
♞ Watch live official video broadcast as well as keep an eye on allother boards! (tap the Camera icon)
♞ Analyze the Chess position with the power of multiple Chessengines, simultaneously! (Needs Analyze This app)
♞ View All Games from previous rounds or filter games by yourfavorite player, result or ECO!
♞ View Standings and more (Tap right down-ward pointing arrow toreveal hidden options)
♞ Know when the next round of your favorite tournament starts, inYOUR local time
♞ Analysis board – Double tap the board to launch instant engineanalysis!
♞ Analysis board – Swipe finger down to flip the board
♞ Analysis board – Touch and hold left/right arrow key to jump tostart/end of game
Captura de tela
♞ Improved youtube video performance
♞ Bug fixes
♞ Crash fixes
♞ Improved use of spacing in Analysis board screen