CastBox - Reprodutor de podcast [Premium]

The most excellent podcast player app for you to search, subscribe to, stream, play and download all of your favorite podcasts and audiobooks, etc.
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We got everything you want (audio books FM music streaming radio podcast) for free. CastBox is with you by providing audio content covering both entertainment and education during daily playback scenarios (commute, sport, chores, relax, etc.)

10 Features of CastBox

  1. Ultra simple podcast publishing solution. Unlimited bandwidth and storage. Everything a podcaster needs to host, promote, and track your podcast.
  2. Discover and subscribe 340,000+ podcast content. Listen to 70,000+ radio stations for free. 340,000+         podcasts group into 16 categories, everyone can find his/her favorite podcast.
  3. Offer podcasts and Radio from 70+ countries & languages, Global famous podcasts and radios all in one: For foreign podcasts/radios.
  4. Download episodes mp3 file you like for free, Download podcast mp3 you like in CastBox without any             additional cost and limitation.
  5. Control playing from multiple widgets, Control your podcast/radio playing from widget, notification               center, lock screen, headphone and Bluetooth.
  6. Customize your own playlist, Build up your own customized playlist for different scenes and moods.
  7. Share podcast with your friends, One-step sharing episode URL with/without play location to enjoy              entertainment with your friends
  8. Switch between light/dark themes, Both dark and light themes are ready for you to choose, perfectly fits your location and mood at the moment.
  9. Set Sleep timer, Sleep timer for seconds/minutes/hours time unit according to your need.
  10. Ads-Free version purchase available, Spending only $1.99, you can get your Ad Free version CastBox

Here are some examples of popular audio files offered by CastBox :

All Hands Update, BBC Podcast, Comedy Central Stand Up, Criminal, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, Day Trading Radio, ESPN Radio, Freakonomics Radio, Jocko Podcast, Joel Osteen Podcast, LORE, Monday Morning Podcast, My Favorite Murder, NPR Podcast, Radiolab, Revisionist History, RoboTalk: Fresh It Up, Rush Limbaugh Morning Update, Science Friday, Serial, Sex with Emily, Sleep with Me, Stuff You Should Know, Sword and Scale, TED Radio Hour, TEDTalks, The Adam Carolla Show, The Bill Simmons Podcast, The Dave Ramsey Show, The Diane Rehm Show, The Jim Rome Show, The Joe Rogan Experience, The Moth, The Nerdist, The New Yorker Podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, The Way I Heard It, This American Life, Welcome to Night Vale, WNYC

Capturas de tela

  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela
  • Podcast Player Captura de tela

Downloads : Recursos profissionais desbloqueados

CastBox – Free TopPodcasts v7.46.3 [Premium] / Espelho

CastBox – Free TopPodcasts v7.40.2 [Premium] PRO / Espelho

CastBox – Free Top Podcasts v5.3.11-170425181 PRO / Espelho

