American Heritage English Dictionary [Unlocked]
The American Heritage® English Dictionary is one of the most comprehensive and accessible resources available on any mobile device. It’s is the perfect solution to use at school, in the office, or at home!
The American Heritage® English Dictionary is one of the most comprehensive and accessible resources available on any mobile device. It’s is the perfect solution to use at school, in the office, or at home!
Exhaustively researched and thoroughly revised, the Fifth Edition of the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language contains 10,000 new words and phrases, over 4,000 dazzling new full-color images, and authoritative, up-to-date guidance on usage. Thousands of definitions have been revised in rapidly changing fields such as astronomy and biology, geographical entries and maps have been completely updated, and the dictionary’s signature feature notes on word history, synonymy, and language variation have all been enhanced and improved.
Word meanings are made easier to understand with thousands of new quotations from classic and contemporary writers. Etymologies explaining word origins and development have been newly created or revised to reflect the very latest scholarship. Many words are traced back to their roots in prehistory through two unique appendixes showing word roots in ancient Indo-European and Semitic.
Now completed with the American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus (available in the full version), which offers an intelligent and sensible guide to synonym selection. It provides a wide range of synonyms, ranging from mainstream vocabulary to the colorful alternatives that make English such a rich and versatile language. Thousands of slang, informal, and regional words broaden the coverage even further. Each synonym list focuses on a clear definition that quickly orients the user to the relevant meaning.
Inclui também ferramentas avançadas de pesquisa e de idiomas que se tornaram a base dos aplicativos de idiomas de qualidade da MobiSystems, Inc.
FERRAMENTAS DE PESQUISA - encontre palavras sem esforço graças a uma interface clara, funcional e fácil de usar.
A pesquisa inteligente integra várias ferramentas para corresponder ou sugerir o que você está procurando:
- O preenchimento automático da pesquisa ajuda a encontrar palavras rapidamente, exibindo previsões à medida que você digita
- A pesquisa de palavras-chave permite que você pesquise em palavras e frases compostas
- Um "filtro Fuzzy" automático para corrigir a ortografia das palavras, bem como um "curinga" ("*" ou "?") para substituir uma letra ou partes inteiras de uma palavra
- A pesquisa na câmera procura palavras no visor da câmera e exibe os resultados
• Voice search function
- Compartilhe definições de palavras por meio de aplicativos instalados em seu dispositivo
FERRAMENTAS DE APRENDIZAGEM - recursos envolventes que o ajudam a aprimorar ainda mais seu vocabulário.
- Recurso "Favoritos" para criar pastas personalizadas com listas de palavras da extensa biblioteca
- Lista "Recent" para revisar facilmente as palavras pesquisadas
- Seção "Palavra do dia" para expandir seu vocabulário diariamente
- O widget da tela inicial fornece palavras aleatórias em um piscar de olhos
• *NEW* Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps
Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the American Heritage English Dictionary and Thesaurus:
- Licença com todos os recursos por tempo ilimitado
• American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus
- Modo off-line - procure palavras sem uma conexão com a Internet
- Suporte Premium - nossa equipe de suporte o ajudará
- Sem anúncios
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Links para download
American Heritage English Dictionary v7.1.213 [Unlocked] APK / Link alternativo
It's time to experience a whole new level of dictionary excellence! Our app's fresh new look is tailor-made for your convenience, making every feature easily accessible. Brace yourself for quicker search results, top-notch camera and voice search enhancements, and an enhanced Favourites section in the current version. Get set to redefine the way you interact with words