My Finances Pro
Now you can control your personal finances easily and efficiently. With the app ‘My Finance’ you can experience how to easily organize and manage your expenses, saving time and getting more money to yourself, at the end of the month.You will have a very effective control of all your financial life.In this version you can add expenses, incomes, categories, besides other freatures.
* The expenses added in the application can be sent toyour Google Calendar.
* In addition to viewing the graph as categories andspending, you can do so with earnings and expenses as well. Inaddition there is a session preference for the exclusivegraphics.
* Add as many records you want.
* Backup and restore complete.
* You can choose whether you want a gain is added to thetotal.
* You can manually enter the date of registration of anexpense.
* You can enter values directly calculated in thecalculator field value of an expense or income.
* If desired, the application will notify you so you do notforget to pay your expenses. This can also be done by the GoogleCalendar service.
* Much more!
What's new
- Option to group in the Income and Expenses Reports;
- Financial notification history in the Tools menu;
- New income and expenses chart by recurrence for the Summary screen;
- Setting to avoid import duplication;
- Adjustment in the order of the Reports menu;
- General fixes.