Nurse's Drug Handbook v8.0.230 [Premium] [Latest]

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Nurse’s Drug Handbook

Nurse’s Drug Handbook

McGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook provides everything nurses must know to protect themselves and their patients when administering drugs. The Handbook delivers the evidence-base needed to safely administer more than 3,000 brand-name drugs and 1,000 generic drugs – along with important patient monitoring instructions specific to each drug.

This is a fully functional 1-day trial version
Inside are boxed FDA warnings alongside each monograph, as well as special icons that point out hazardous and high-alert drugs. You’ll also find coverage on safe drug administration, as well as critical advice on treating adverse reactions.

Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc. SEARCH TOOLS – effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for :
- Il completamento automatico della ricerca aiuta a trovare rapidamente le parole visualizzando le previsioni durante la digitazione.
- La ricerca di parole chiave consente di cercare all'interno di parole e frasi composte.
• An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter’ to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card’ (‘*’ or ‘?’) to replace a letter or       entire parts of a word
- La ricerca della fotocamera cerca le parole nel mirino della fotocamera e visualizza i risultati.
• Voice search function
- Condividete le definizioni delle parole tramite le app installate sul vostro dispositivo
• Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

STRUMENTI DI APPRENDIMENTO - funzioni coinvolgenti che aiutano a migliorare ulteriormente il vocabolario.
- La funzione 'Preferiti' consente di creare cartelle personalizzate con elenchi di parole dalla vasta libreria.
- Elenco 'Recenti' per rivedere facilmente le parole ricercate
- Sezione "Parola del giorno" per ampliare quotidianamente il proprio vocabolario
- Il widget per la schermata iniziale fornisce parole casuali in un colpo d'occhio
• Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use the dictionary simultaneously with other apps.

Get MORE by purchasing the full version of the McGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook :
• Permanently unlock the complete features list.
- Modalità offline: ricerca di parole senza connessione a Internet
• Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
- Senza pubblicità

Cosa c'è di nuovo
• Complete visual overhaul
• Significantly improved search speed
• New Home view for quick access to the most frequently used functions
• Now Swipe to delete entries from the Favorites and Recent menus
• Ability to recover deleted entries in the Favorites and Recent menus with the new Undo button
- Correzioni di bug


  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata
  • Nurse’s Drug Handbook Schermata

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Nurse’s Drug Handbook v8.0.230 [Premium] / Specchio