FaceApp is one of the best mobile apps for photorealistic editing. Turn your selfie into a modeling portrait using one of the most popular apps, with over a billion downloads to date. FaceApp gives you everything you need to create Instagram-worthy edits. No more extra tapping on your screen!
Segnala questa applicazione
FaceApp PRO
Transform your face using Artificial Intelligence in just one tap!
- Add beautiful smile
- Get younger or older
- Become more attractive
- Change gender
Cosa c'è di nuovo
- introduced AutoAdjust functionality for Adjustment tool
Informazioni su Cracked:
- Lingue: en, ru
- Piattaforme: arm7 +, x86 +
- Deep optimized graphics
- Work analytics is blocked, thoroughly
- Partially obtained PRO: tattoo, backgrounds, collages, all.
- Styles on the main do not work, alas
- La modifica è slegata da Google Services
- Firma modificata
Mod info :
◉ Watermark removed
◉ Original sign changed
◉ Removed unnecessary files
◉ Removed all debug info
◉ Removed rate dialog
◉ Replace some texts
◉ Dex files encrypted
◉ Ultra zip-aligned
◉ armeabi-v7a
Note for v4 : This is not Pro Version. I only removed watermark. Pro features is server sided. So enjoy watermark free version.
Link per il download:
FaceApp v4.5.0.5 MOD APK / Specchio
FaceApp v4.4.0.2 MOD APK / Specchio
We have prepared several UI fixes for tablets and foldable devices. Additionally, this release includes multiple bug fixes and performance improvements to provide a better overall experience.