Battery Guru MOD APK (Premium sbloccato)

Battery Guru: Battery Saver is a widely used application in all mobile phones. The main function of the application is to display battery usage information and measure the battery capacity of your mobile phone.
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9.1 MB
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Mod Info:

  • Funzionalità AdFree / a pagamento sbloccate;
  • Disattivato / Rimosso permessi indesiderati + Ricevitori + Provider + Servizi;
  • Grafica ottimizzata e zippata e risorse pulite per un caricamento veloce;
  • Annunci Permessi / Servizi / Provider rimossi da AndroidManifest;
  • I link agli annunci sono stati rimossi e i metodi di invocazione annullati;
  • Visibilità dei layout degli annunci disabilitata;
  • Controllo del pacchetto di installazione di Google Play Store disabilitato;
  • Codice di debug rimosso;
  • Rimuove il nome predefinito dei tag .source dei file java corrispondenti;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabilitati;
  • Finestra di dialogo della velocità disabilitata;
  • Promo apps disabled;
  • Native crashguard disabled and removed completely;
  • Nessun tracker attivo o pubblicità;
  • Lingue: Multi lingue complete;
  • CPU: architettura universale;
  • DPI dello schermo: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • La firma del pacchetto originale è stata modificata;
  • Rilasciato da Balatan.


Download APK

Battery Guru: Battery Saver is a widely used application in all mobile phones. The main function of the application is to display battery usage information and measure the battery capacity of your mobile phone. In addition, the application can also estimate the number of charging times and notify the user to change the user’s bad habits regarding battery charging issues. By using this great application, your phone will definitely have a longer battery life and use it longer.

Battery Health Management

The main purpose of this application is to protect your health and extend the life of your battery. This application optimizes the user’s phone and automatically reminds the user of bad habits that are wasting battery life. Batteries have a limited lifespan, so the average lifespan gets a little shorter each time you charge it, or both charging and using it shortens its lifespan, causing many unnecessary accidents. So owning this application will make you safer in use and make your phone’s battery healthier.

Show All Data Information

Battery Guru: Battery Saver provides users with all battery data of mobile phone. This application is fully listed from battery percentage to application battery usage in device to battery level. These numbers ensure that users understand the battery status and can make timely decisions to avoid damage to their phones.

Informing users of bad habits

For those who use smartphones, these things are gradually becoming habits that are hard to break and have a significant impact on the lifespan of mobile phones.Therefore, users should be warned. A reminder to do so will automatically appear, eliminating bad habits for users.

Battery Power Supply

Battery Guru: The Battery Saver can also power the battery. Themes suggested by the application help you save data. That means longer battery life.


  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata
  • Battery Guru: Info & Health Schermata


- Updated wattage calculation for dual battery devices
- Updated screen state detection listener
- Increased text size for time in ongoing section
- Added electric current graph selection (charging/discharging)
- Updated date format
- Added total average in ongoing section
- Added voltage and power into electric current section and card
- Minor UI improvements and updates
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Updated libraries
- Traduzioni aggiornate

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