Telefono ACR APK (Pro sbloccato)

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker is a phone app that can replace your default dialer. This is a brand-new app and we are constantly improving it.
4.9/5 Voti: 41,767
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Mod Info:

  • Funzioni Pro / a pagamento sbloccate - non è necessaria alcuna chiave aggiuntiva;
  • Disattivato / Rimosso permessi indesiderati + Ricevitori + Provider + Servizi;
  • Grafica ottimizzata e zippata e risorse pulite per un caricamento veloce;
  • Annunci Permessi / Servizi / Provider rimossi da AndroidManifest;
  • I link agli annunci sono stati rimossi e i metodi di invocazione annullati;
  • Visibilità dei layout degli annunci disabilitata;
  • Controllo del pacchetto di installazione di Google Play Store disabilitato;
  • Codice di debug rimosso;
  • Rimuove il nome predefinito dei tag .source dei file java corrispondenti;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabilitati;
  • Lingue: Multi lingue complete;
  • CPU: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a;
  • DPI dello schermo: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • La firma del pacchetto originale è stata modificata;
  • Rilasciato da Balatan.


Download APK

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker is a phone app that offers an alternative to your default dialer on Android devices. This brand-new app is constantly improving and offers a range of features designed to enhance privacy, call blocking, call management, and more.

Privacy Features for Enhanced Data Protection

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker prioritizes user privacy by only requesting permissions that are absolutely necessary. For example, while granting access to contacts enhances certain features, the app can still function even if contacts permission is denied. The app ensures that personal data such as contacts and call logs are never transferred outside of the user’s phone, providing enhanced data protection.

Phone App with Clean Design and Dark Theme Support

The phone app of ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker boasts a clean and fresh design with support for dark theme, providing a visually appealing and modern interface. The app is currently under heavy development, and although there might be some bugs, users have the option to disable the dark theme if they are not satisfied. Users are encouraged to report any issues with call handling to the app’s development team for further improvement.

Powerful Blacklist/Spam Blocking Features

Unlike many other services, ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker offers an offline blacklist/spam blocking feature that allows users to create their own blocklist. Users can add unwanted numbers to the Blacklist from the calls log, contacts list, or input the numbers manually. The app also offers different matching rules, such as Exact or Relaxed matching, for added flexibility. Users can also schedule blacklist rules per number, making it a comprehensive and customizable spam blocking solution.

Call Announcer for Convenient Call Identification

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker features a call announcer that announces contact names and numbers for incoming calls. This feature comes with advanced options, such as announcing when headphones or Bluetooth headset are connected, making it convenient for users to identify incoming calls without looking at their screen.

Call Notes for Easy Call Management

The app also offers call notes feature that allows users to add and edit notes or reminders to calls during or after the call has ended. This feature helps users to keep track of important information or tasks associated with specific calls, providing efficient call management capabilities.

Backup and Restore for Data Security

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker allows users to easily export or import their call logs, contacts, and call blocking database, providing a backup and restore option for data security. Although this feature is partially implemented, it offers users the ability to safeguard their important call data and restore it when needed.

Outgoing Call Blocking for Added Control

The app provides an outgoing call blocker feature that allows users to optionally enable blocking of outgoing calls to numbers in their blocklist. This feature gives users added control over their outgoing calls, helping to prevent accidental or unwanted calls to blocked numbers.

Call Log for Comprehensive Call History

ACR Phone Dialer & Spam Call Blocker offers a comprehensive call log feature that allows users to see and search all their calls in a clean interface. This feature provides a detailed call history, making it easy for users to track their incoming and outgoing calls.

Dual SIM Support for Dual SIM Phones

The app supports dual SIM phones and allows users to set a default dialing account or decide just before each phone call which SIM to use. This feature provides flexibility for users who have dual SIM phones and need to choose between different SIM cards for making calls


  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata
  • ACR Phone Schermata


This version includes improvements and bug fixes.

Call recordings will be silent on Android 10+. SIP Calls and Android 7/8/9 are not affected
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