APK FilmPlus (Bebas Iklan)

FilmPlus will be one of those special applications that can provide users with a very good entertainment experience. If you are a person who often chooses the entertainment method of watching TV shows and movies, this is the right application for you.
3.0/5 Votos: 1
23.4 MB
Bahasa Indonesia
Google Play
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Info Mod:

  • Iklan dinonaktifkan/dihapus;
  • Menonaktifkan / Menghapus Izin yang tidak diinginkan + Penerima + Penyedia + Layanan;
  • Grafis yang dioptimalkan dan disejajarkan serta sumber daya yang dibersihkan untuk pemuatan yang cepat;
  • Izin Iklan / Layanan / Penyedia dihapus dari AndroidManifest;
  • Tautan iklan dihapus dan metode pemanggilan dibatalkan;
  • Visibilitas tata letak iklan dinonaktifkan;
  • Kode debug dihapus;
  • Hapus nama tag .source default dari file java yang sesuai;
  • Analisis / Crashlytics / Firebase dinonaktifkan;
  • Tidak ada pelacak aktif atau iklan;
  • Choose Player popup disabled;
  • Tidak ada pembaruan paksa ke versi baru;
  • Bahasa: Multi Bahasa Lengkap;
  • CPU: armeabi-v7a, x86;
  • DPI layar: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • Tanda tangan paket asli berubah;
  • Dirilis oleh Balatan.


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FilmPlus will be one of those special applications that can provide users with a very good entertainment experience. If you are a person who often chooses the entertainment method of watching TV shows and movies, this is the right application for you. This application allows users to watch their favorite TV shows and movies for free.

Access to countless shows and movies

Variety is always the first requirement for anyone determined to entertain themselves with movies. After watching a previous movie series, users often continuously select the title of the next movie or watch many movies in the same time period. Therefore, the application is also optimized for users who add and equip themselves with many series of movies so that they can access them at any time.

Image quality is always top notch

One of the basic and most important requirements for film projection applications is the image quality that can be achieved. No matter how good a movie is, a poor presentation will not satisfy the audience. However, applications can please their users by allowing them to watch movies in the highest possible quality.

Flexibility for movie-going users

Moreover, users always feel the need to be able to watch their favorite movies anytime and anywhere. A user may want to watch their favorite movie in a long waiting room or in a moving car. To understand the psychology of users, the application also adds the ability for users to flexibly watch movies online or download movies to their devices for offline viewing.

Ability to choose personal preferences

Moviegoers often own their favorite movies and want to be able to watch them as soon as possible when accessing the application. For those who use apps to watch TV shows, being able to start their favorite shows as quickly as possible is always a priority. The application therefore allows you to bookmark your favorite movies and shows for quick access after logging in.

Provide movie subtitles

There is always a language barrier if you want to watch movies and TV shows from foreign producers. This is great for those who are proficient in and able to understand the language, but otherwise it will be a terrible experience. Ultimately, when you visit this application, users will be able to use the best subtitle tools to translate words. can be translated into your language.

Get the most out of your notifications

Also, if you’re watching a movie or series you really love and are waiting for new episodes to be released, this is an exciting feature. This feature allows users of your application to tag applications that are interested in this movie or show. And when the latest movies and shows are airing, you’ll be instantly notified from your device’s application.