Signature Creator [Ads-Free]

Signature Creator is an intuitive signature stand that gives you to create your own signature. We have given Signature name functionality so you do not need to remember which signature I did at Bank, Election card, Driving licence, College, Government office etc.
3.9/5 Votos: 75
Brilliancy Tech
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Signature Creator is an intuitive signature stand that gives you to create your own signature. We have given Signature name functionality so you do not need to remember which signature I did at Bank, Election card, Driving licence, College, Government office etc.
You can draw your creative signature with 100+ autograph styles and with 1000+ colors and with x-small to x-large font size. We have used portrait mode to serve better.

Functionalities :
* 2 modes: Auto and Manual
* Auto mode contains 100+ styles of signature by entering your signature
* Manual mode contains drawing view for signature, here user has to write his/her signature on the signature view
* Create signature: Do signature
* Different fonts: 100 + variety of fonts
* Pen thickness: Adjust thickness of pen (x-small to x-large)
* Pen color: Set pen color (1000 + colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
* Background color: Set background color (1000 + colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
* Save: Store your signature in storage
* Signature name: Give name (title) for signature so you can check the purpose of signature. For example, you are doing different signature at bank and school so you do not worry about remembering the which signature is used at which place.
* Drag: Drag the auto mode signature on the signature pad. For example, you would like to create empty document    along with your signature just drag your signature to bottom before saving it.
* View: View previously drawn signature
* Share: Share signature on social platform
* Instant view: View current signature
* Delete: Delete previously drawn signature

Mode d'emploi :
On the Home screen you will find all previously created signatures.
Click on + button in order to initiate your signature.
Draw signature in manual mode.
You can change signature color of your signature pad with more than 1000 colors.
You can change background color of your signature pad with more than 1000 colors.
Click on save button to save your signature on storage. (Application would ask for signature name so give name as you want. For example, Myself, MySelf Bank, Myself College, Daddy, Mother, Brother)
Now for auto mode, start typing your signature on editable view.
Select any one of signature from listing. We’ve used more than 100 autograph fonts.
You can edit your signature by changing more than 1000 colors, changing pen thickness.
You can change background color of your signature pad with more than 1000 colors.
For any color you can adjust Light to Dark color along with Alpha.
Drag your signature on the signature pad.
Save your picture in storage. (Application would ask for signature name so give name as you want. For example, Myself, Myself Bank, Myself College, Daddy, Mother, Brother)
You can see all signature which were drawn by you.
You can see enlarge signature.
You can share on social media.
You can delete if you don’t like.
We required EXTERNAL STORAGE PERMISSION in order to store/share/view signature.
We are not using your signature anywhere, application stores it in storage in order to view and share your signature.
Enjoy free Signature Creator application for you and your family.


Captures d'écran

  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran
  • Signature Creator Capture d'écran


Signature Creator v4.3 [Mod][Ads-Free] / Miroir

Signature Creator v2.0.1 [ad-free] / Miroir


- Improved users' security.
- App size reduced.
