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show boxx

Amazing collection of Movies and TV-shows. Absolutely free. You can download them on your.
Android device or watch online.

GrowBox (4.0+ | ROOT) is an APK that pretends that it is MX Player, and properly sends along the video url and headers received from Showbox to any app. You can now potentially cast with any supporting casting app again.
It seems Showbox is now sending headers with the web video player, and MX Player was the only one that supported this feature. I have added support for sending headers on the video request with AllCast. This will let AllCast users continue using ShowBox, with the latest version of the Showbox app.

Installer :
1.Uninstall MX Player if you have it installed (Growbox needs to simulate that app).
2.Install the GrowBox
3.Install AllCast from the Play Store.
4.Cast from ShowBox. You’ll once again see a “open with” option, and you choose AllCast.

Mods :
★ All-in-One Patch Applied:
◉ Ads related activities and codes removed;
◉ Ads invokes methods nullified;
◉ Ads layouts visibility disabled (Dex+Res);
◉ Advertisement receivers corrupted;
◉ Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
◉ AOSP compatible (No Google);
◉ Kotlin invokations removed;
◉ Native crashlytics SDK removed;
◉ Screenshot restrictions removed;
◉ Root detection removed;
◉ Split APK Repacking files removed (Manifest+Res);
◉ Manifest and APK root path cleaned;
◉ Google Play Store install package check disabled;
◉ Google Play Services signature check verified;
◉ Google Play Billing / Analytics removed;
◉ Google Play Games disabled;
◉ Yandex Metrica / Analytics disabled;
◉ Debug code removed;

Note: All Patches are applied, Some Patches may not be executed if the required codes are not present inside the apk

★ Applied Manual Modification:
– Removed Trackers from Dex and Manifest
– Google sign in disabled (You can’t add movies to favorites)
– No active tracker links
– Active Loggers Removed
– Made it clean as possible
– Removed Almost every permission for safety purposes
– These are not removed
Vibration permission = To avoid crash while enabling Child Mode
Foreground permission = To avoid crash while casting
– Bugly qq Removed (complete)
– Mintegral Ad Tracker Removed (complete)
– Umeng Analytics Removed (complete)
★ Modded By ZackModz x RBMods

★ Note: Use FeBbox app for better experience

Nouveautés :
Continue Our Dream

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