Orange Cache Cleaner PRO v2.5 [Dernière]

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Orange Cache Cleaner PRO

Orange Cache Cleaner PRO

How would you feel if you could be able to store 100’s of new songs, videos, pictures and apps on your phone, for FREE? That’s exactly what Orange Cleaner does!

Orange Cache Cleaner is a small tool used for clearing application cached files. One Tap is all you need to clean all cached files, therefore getting more available space. There’s no need to ROOT the phone!

This tool can free up a lot of storage memory on your phone so you can get more internal ROM storage. Anyone who has memory management issues NEEDS to use this app. This way you can stop low memory warnings, fix low memory and fix your buggy android phone. If you’re running out of app storage, you can get extra available storage space by clearing cache and data files created by applications.

Caractéristiques :

– No ADS
– 1-tap to clear all cached files
– Automatic scan when you open the app
– Auto exit when all cached files are cleaned
-Clear cache for a specific application
– List of Applications by their cache size or app name
– Cleaning of residual files
– Safelist feature to protect apps you don’t want cleaned

Remark :

– If you want to clear ALL cached files, all you have to do is press on the ”Clean Cache” button


-Improvements & Bug Fixes

Captures d'écran

  • Orange Cache Cleaner PRO Capture d'écran
  • Orange Cache Cleaner PRO Capture d'écran
  • Orange Cache Cleaner PRO Capture d'écran
  • Orange Cache Cleaner PRO Capture d'écran


Orange Cache Cleaner PRO v2.5 / Miroir