Overview: Because there is too much similar icon pack out there! Your phone need something fresh!
Caractéristiques :
1. 3350+ icons inspired by material design
2. 100 HD hand made cloud-based wallpapers
3. XXXHDPI Icon 192×192 px
4. Full manually vector graphic processing with so much redesigned icons
5. Icon masking for better unthemed icons
6. See & Search all icons
7. Smart Icon Request
8. Support Muzei
9. Image picker, attach as an image to email, hangouts, Etc or even use it to create Zooper widget
10. Multi dynamic calendar support with specific icon (Today Calendar, Touch, BIZ, Business, Sol, Sunrise, and Digical Calendar)
11. Section d'aide, contenant des FAQ avec fonction de recherche
12. Signaler les bogues
13. Afficher/masquer l'icône du lanceur dans le tiroir d'applications
14. etc
Support 28 or more major Launchers:
Appliquer directement : L, Lucid, GO, Next, Apex, Action Pro, Nova, ADW, Holo, Holo HD, Aviate, Smart (lire le numéro de ce lanceur ci-dessous), Mini, KK, Solo, Epic, Inspire, Nine, Atom, Nemus, S, LG Home (lire le numéro de ce lanceur ci-dessous), CM Theme Engine
Apply via launcher setting: EverythingMe, Arrow Launcher, Themer, Hola, Launchy Widget, Trebuchet, Unicon, and may be more that have icon pack support
Remarque :
1. GO Launcher ne prend pas en charge le masquage des icônes, donc allez dans les préférences > Icônes > COCHER "afficher la base des icônes".
2. Next Launcher supporte les icônes mais seulement les applications système, mais l'application manuelle changera le reste.
3. Downloaded wallpaper. Find them on /Pictures/Beluk/wallpaper/HERE
4. LG Home peut fonctionner de manière instable sur certains appareils. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr, N'ACHETEZ PAS ! Aucun remboursement pour cette raison !
5. Smart Launcher, apply the icons via materialistik dashboard, DO NOT APPLY VIA LAUNCHER PREFERENCE!
6. IL Y A BEAUCOUP DE DEMANDES D'ICÔNES ! Si vous voulez que vos demandes soient traitées en priorité, écrivez-les sur le mur de ma communauté, en vous inscrivant ici , sinon je choisirai au hasard les prochaines icônes à thème.
If you’re not satisfied with the icons, or your favorite apps aren’t well themed just email me!, or curse me in my G+ community then leave the rest to me
FOR ICON REQUESTERS: Thanks for your request, if you haven’t get your icon requested come with recent update, I’d like to say my apologize but all requests are on going. I work it everyday to make up the icons, but they are too much. I expect your patience as your request icons are already in the queue list. Please follow me for fresh news what recent icons push to update on
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