Smart TV Remote v3.7.0 [Pro] [Más reciente]

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Smart TV Remote

Smart TV Remote

Smart TV Remote is with over 22 million downloads one of the most popular universal TV remote apps in Google Play! Define your favourite channels and control your TV simply via channel logos. No annoying channel sorting is needed anymore. By using widges, notifications, and the Smart Action Bar, this app is always available, even if the app is not running in foreground. With the new Smart TV Remote Alexa Skill you can control your TV by just using your voice!

Control your home cinema over built in infrared blaster, WiFi network or external infrared sender :

Smart TV Remote as network tv remote for Samsung TVs(2011-2013, 2016, 2017) :
☆Control the newest Samsung TVs over network: K and M Series is now supported!
★Control Samsung TVs from the years 2011-2013: B,C,D,E und F Series
☆Due to changes in the network communication protocol, Samsung TVs from 2014 and 2015are not supported: H and J Series

Smart TV Remote as universal infra-red tv remote :
★Controls up to 4 devices without annoying remote switch: TV, cable box, audio receiver, and media player
☆Tested with following infra-red capable phones: HTC One(M7, M8, M9), Samsung (S4, S5, S6, S6 Edge, Note 3, Note 4, Mega), LG G3, G4, G5 (LG G2 and CyanogenMod are not supported right now), Huawei and Honor (Honor 7)
★No infrared blaster, no problem: Smart TV Remote supports external infrared sender like AnyMote and zmote
☆Once the remote is setup, it turns all your devices on/off and decides for every function, which of your devices is responsible for the given feature
★An own database with IR codes. If you missing a device or sth. is not working, simply contact us. We will try to fix this immediately.

We know that the first steps are not so easy. Therefore we offer you lots of help :
★A continuous growing list of tutorial videos, which shows simple step by step instruction for different features.
☆A continuous growing list of frequently asked questions.
★If you still have questions, don’t worry. Contact us via mail and together we should solve every problem.

Nota :
The app uses Google Analytics, which can be disabled in Settings/Info! No private information is stored in the app!
This version contain In-App-Purchase to support us and enjoy this app without ads. This is a paid feature.
We assume no liability for damages on the mobile device or the TV!

Smart TV Remote Pro Skill Support
Use your phone as smart home device and control your home cinema with short commands like, “Alexa, turn on TV”.
The words “Tell Smart Remote” for basic commands is not needed anymore, which makes controlling your TV via voice more natural.
Combine both skills to get the best result for controlling your TV with your voice.
Samsung M Series – Support for the latest Samsung TV Series M
3.7.0: Bugfixes

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Smart TV Remote v3.7.0 [Pro] / Espejo