Sandbox Pixel Colorear [Mod]
Welcome to the Sandbox Coloring Universe and be ready to become a lover of the coloring of tiny pixel art.
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The original Sandbox Color By Number application.
Kids and adults love to color by numbers and we’ve got a bunch for you to choose from.
“Color by number pages are a great way to teach your kids or students basic number recognition, how to use a legend, and it will give them the opportunity to work on their fine motor skills.”
“This is a great activity to practice your drawing skills. It’s also fun for any age to try to finish the drawing.”
Información sobre la savia:
- Standalone Android Package
- Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKs Packer v2.6) By Kirlif’:
- Languages: English;
- Supported CPU architecture: arm64_v8a, armeabi_v7a;
- Supported DPIs: hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi.
Mod Info:
- Premium Feature Unlock.
- Ads Removed / Disabled.
- Receivers and Services Removed / Disabled.
- Analytics / Crashlytics Disabled.
- Optimized Graphics / Zipalign.
- Removed Debug Information.
Capturas de pantalla
Enlaces de descarga
Sandbox Pixel Coloring v0.3.3 [Mod] [Sap] APK / Enlace / Enlace
Good morning!
Just a regular bug-fixes with a small tuning.
Sandbox team [with love].