RoboRemo APK (de pago)

  • De pago
Truly configurable remote control app for hobbyists. Control your Arduino RC car, ESP32 drone, boat, plane, or other robot. Also use for home automation or IoT projects fast prototyping.
4.7/5 Votos: 141
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RoboRemo is a Bluetooth / Internet / WiFi / USB remote control app for Arduino, PIC, AVR, PICAXE, ATMEGA, ESP8266, etc.

With little microcontroller programming knowledge, you can build a RC receiver, and control your RC car / plane / boat / quadcopter / line following robot with Android phone!

Compatible with BlueSMiRF, HC-05, HC-06, BTM-222, ESP8266, etc.

RoboRemo is fully customizable! You can add items, move them, resize them, set commands and other parameters.
Available items: button, slider, led, level indicator, text log, accelerometer sensor, text field, plot, image*, touchpad, kbd connector, heartbeat sender, touch stopper.

* items marked with * are available only in RoboRemo Full version.

You can assign what command to send when you press a button, when you release it, when you move a slider, etc.

Capturas de pantalla

  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla
  • RoboRemo - Control your Robot Captura de pantalla


RoboRemo v1.9 Cracked / Enlace alternativo


- separate input fields for address and port for TCP and UDP connection
- extended color options for level indicators and LEDs
- custom line color for plots
- custom color and text size for items labels and buttons text
- new UI item: joystick
- added division (/) support in interactive labels (of level indicator / slider / plot)
- added multi-line support in button text and item labels
- fixed bug in USB drivers. More boards supported now, including ST-LINK/V2-1 found on STM32 Nucleo-64 boards.

