Meeye Iconpack APK (de pago/parcheado)
The icons inside Meeye Iconpack are inspired by MeeGo Harmattan, with some modifications.
We don’t pursue different designed icons on purpose, just make rearrangements and redesigns when necessary while we preserve apps
‘ original identity.
Clyde Stevens Henry, icons and resources contribution.
Dospy-梦影决幻, icons and resources contribution.
Jackwine, icons and resources contribution.
LCOOOOD, icons and resources contribution.
Silen Chan, icons contribution, website design and development.
YeyeBBC, author.
Meeye Iconpack is based on CandyBar Android Iconpack Dashboard, developed by Daini Mahardhika.
Capturas de pantalla
Meeye Iconpack E-8.0 [Patched] / Espejo
Due to Google Play’s new policies that requires developer’s legal name and address, with which I do not agree, this application will probably be removed from Play Store around 2025. F-Droid seems nice?
- Add some new icons
- Redesign some icons
- Fix missing icons