Map My Run APK (Suscrito)

Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or are a seasoned runner, this app has what you need to stay on track and motivated to hit your goals. Get customizable Training Plans, personalized coaching tips to make running feel easier, and an inspiring community of over 60 million athletes all supporting your shared commitment to health and fitness.
4.7/5 Votos: 419,200
MapMyFitness Inc.
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Google Play
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Mod Info:

  • MVP Subscription / Paid features unlocked;
  • Desactivado / Eliminado Permisos no deseados + Receptores + Proveedores + Servicios;
  • Gráficos optimizados y alineados con zip y recursos limpios para una carga rápida;
  • Anuncios Permisos / Servicios / Proveedores removidos de Android.manifest;
  • Enlaces publicitarios eliminados y métodos de invocación anulados;
  • Visibilidad de los anuncios desactivada;
  • Google Maps Location funciona;
  • Comprobación del paquete de instalación de Google Play Store desactivada;
  • Código de depuración eliminado;
  • Elimina el nombre por defecto de las etiquetas .source de los archivos java correspondientes;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics desactivado;
  • Idiomas: Full Multi Languages;
  • CPU: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64;
  • PPP de pantalla: 120 ppp, 160 ppp, 240 ppp, 320 ppp, 480 ppp, 640 ppp;
  • Firma del paquete original modificada;
  • Publicado por Balatan.


Download APK

If you’re looking for tools to help you map while you run, choose Map My Run now. This app always helps me find the basic direction and set the milestones I want to achieve. Race against time and extreme challenges are also available in the application so you always have a choice. Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur, challenge yourself and develop a specific training strategy.

Please choose the type you want to challenge

As you know, the application stops at running and many other themes and includes many sports, making it easy for users to choose the one that suits their needs. But the most interesting thing is that this application is more focused on training your running ability.

Specify your workout routine

We always want to challenge ourselves with more challenging exercises. In other words, we want to master the challenge. But without a training process, this is not easy and takes a lot of time.However, Map My Run helped by including a workout routine here. All controls and instructions are very attractive, easy to understand and apply immediately.

Set goals to strive for

Users should set specific goals that are easily achievable. Goals are marked on a tracking board and recorded. During the training process, the user is repeatedly told what to aim for. This will give you more practice spirit and more motivation to overcome difficulties.

Follow application tips only

Exactly what you want, the application meets these criteria. Even if you need helpful training tips, Map My Run can help. The application always incorporates expert opinions and derives useful tips from them. These tips will help you easily analyze your challenges and design particularly engaging exercises.

Exciting training mode

The application provides valuable lessons as the user can choose training modes. This workout is one of hers that will help you conquer the streets. Users also expect to combine exercises to create their own unique appeal.

Motivation song

It’s rare that a running mapping app has its own backing track. But our application has a motivational song to perform this time. This feature helps you finish your jog in a good mood and banish general fatigue.

Full recording of execution time

Selecting an execution mode will help the application to record the complete execution time. A unique feature is that it displays a running order tracking table. This dashboard will help you assess your current situation and form a more compelling opinion.

Capturas de pantalla

  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla
  • Map My Run by Outside Captura de pantalla


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