Galaxy Sensors v1.7.2 [Sin publicidad] [Más reciente]

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Galaxy Sensors

Galaxy Sensors

Developed for the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3, full compatibility is not guaranteed on other models.

  • models like Galaxy S3-S5 or Galaxy Note2-Note4 are missing temperature and humidity sensor,     not my fault, sorry, the device manufacturer has decided to remove these sensors
    ** if a sensor is set as “NOT PRESENT” is because your phone doesn’t have it

functions :
– Ambient temperature in degrees celsius
– Percentage of moisture in the air
– Light intensity
– Air pressure
– Height above sea level
– widget with ambient temperature! more coming soon

** The data is read directly from the sensors could then have an error of up to 5-10% (in the worst case) that does not depend on me, but by the sensors, unfortunately I can not do anything about it, to try to reduce the errors Please keep the device on a flat surface for a few seconds, so that the values ​​are optimized, if your hands touch the device, the temperature will be too high of some degree **

If you want to report the full compatibility of your device with the application please leave feedback or send me an email, so it will be added to the list, any feedback and comments are very much appreciated, the application aims to be simple and instant, to have at hand all the data from the main sensors of the phone, if there are suggestions, recommendations and requests for additions will be happy to provide (where possible)

Capturas de pantalla

  • Galaxy Sensors Captura de pantalla
  • Galaxy Sensors Captura de pantalla
  • Galaxy Sensors Captura de pantalla
  • Galaxy Sensors Captura de pantalla

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Galaxy Sensors v1.7.2 [Ad-Free] / Espejo