Cornerfly adds rounded corners to your display for a much smoother look.
Most hardware cases of devices are designed with rounded corners but display itself has squared corners. This application will round your display corners to merge it with your case corners.
Cornerfly offers many settings for customization and you can configure it for each application.
Try Cornerfly now for yourself and report some Feedback.
• Plus – Corner sizing and removes advertising
• Donates – Support this project with some small donations
• Internet – used for advertisements
• Access network – used to receive advertisements
• System overlay – used for draw over apps
• Billing – used for in app billing products
Also you can help with translations here
[release 1.12.RC1]
• Increased the maximum corner size
• Greek, Finnish and Vietnamese languages an other improvements – Thanks to supporters
• If you are using Samsung device and corners disappear after a while go to Settings -> Battery -> App Optimisation -> Detail -> click on Cornerfly and disable optimisation.
Características PLUS Desbloqueado
Capturas de pantalla
Cornerfly v1.13.RC1 [Plus] / Espejo
Versión antigua
Cornerfly v1.12.RC1[Plus] / Espejo