COL Reminder Donate APK
Christian Grasser
10.44 MB
Varía según el dispositivo
Mod Info:
- Donate / Paid features unlocked;
- Desactivado / Eliminado Permisos no deseados + Receptores + Proveedores + Servicios;
- Gráficos optimizados y alineados con zip y recursos limpios para una carga rápida;
- Anuncios Permisos / Servicios / Proveedores removidos de AndroidManifest;
- Enlaces publicitarios eliminados y métodos de invocación anulados;
- Visibilidad de los anuncios desactivada;
- Google Maps Location funciona;
- Comprobación del paquete de instalación de Google Play Store desactivada;
- Código de depuración eliminado;
- Elimina el nombre por defecto de las etiquetas .source de los archivos java correspondientes;
- Analytics / Crashlytics desactivado;
- Idiomas: Full Multi Languages;
- CPU: arquitectura universal;
- PPP de pantalla: 120 ppp, 160 ppp, 240 ppp, 320 ppp, 480 ppp, 640 ppp;
- Firma del paquete original modificada;
- Publicado por Balatan.
COL Reminder is a remind-application for your Android phone.
★ Text Reminder
★ Telephone Call Reminder
★ Parkingtime Reminder with Countdown
★ Birthday Reminder
★ Location Based Reminder
★ Dashclock Widget Extension
★ Google Drive Backup
Available in over 40 Languages !!
(english, german, italian, france, swedish, spanish, chinese, polish, korean, hungarian, turkish, czech, slovak, …)
It helps you in reminding different things which you don’t want to forget.
But pls. do not mix it up with a to-do list.
Do you want some samples ?
★ Is there a need to make an urgent phone call tomorrow?
No problem with the COL reminder.
Just set up a calling reminder and the program will notifiy you exactly about the appointment – just one finger tap and the call will be transferred automatically.
★ Is there a need to do something urgent at home?
No problem with the COL reminder.
Just set up a text reminder and you will get the notification at the exact time.
★ You don’t want to miss your best friends birthdays?
No problem with COL Reminder.
Just set up a birthday reminder for your most important friends and you will get notified a few days before and of course on the day of birthday.
★ Is there a need in reminding you about the parking time (short – term parking zone) ?
No problem with COL reminder.
Just set up the parking reminder and you will never pay for a parking ticket again.
Capturas de pantalla
- WEB: Possible to add basic repeat options
- Updated translation Afrikaans, Croatian, Haitian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Tamil
- Notification on Android 13 are now sticky again and can't be removed
- Crash on loading the profile photo if logged in
- After snoozing app crashed sometimes
- Some start problems and crashes
- Crash on create shortcut widget (Android 10 and lower)