من شاهد ملفي الشخصي على فيسبوك - زوار المطاردون v1.6.0 [الأحدث]

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Who Viewed My Facebook Profile - Stalkers Visitors

Who Viewed My Facebook Profile – Stalkers Visitors

Discover who visits your profile, your secret admirers, your best friends and strangers who stalks your profile.

This is a totally free app. You do not need to pay anything to get the full functionality. You do not need to rate this app 5 stars. You do not need to share this app on your Facebook profile. All you have to do is watch short videos.

Five Different Analysis For Facebook™

5 great feature : discover your profile visitors, secret admirers, people you admired, top likers and top commenters.

❶ Who Viewed Your Profile (Profile Visitors)
❷ Who Likes You Most (Secret Admirers)
❸ Who You Like Most (Top Friends)
❹ Top Likers (Who Gave Me Most likes)
❺ Top Commenters (Most Commented People)

See both friends and strangers, Every list includes your friends as well as strangers.

We care for your privacy
• We do not request your email address.
• We never share or post anything on your Facebook™ profile.
• We do not send any of your data, even your user id and name, to any remote server. All of the processing is done on your phone.

تنويه : Who Visited My Profile / Who Stalked My Profile
Facebook™ does not provide any information about people who have viewed your profile. So it’s impossible for any app to provide such a feature with 100% accuracy. Our app analyzes your Facebook™ timeline data, which is available via Facebook™ API and provides you a list of users (both friends and strangers) who might have viewed your profile. List is sorted by estimated view counts which means user who visited your profile most is displayed on top.

What’s new :
– Stability and performance improvements for better user experience

لقطات الشاشة

لم يتم العثور على التطبيق في المتجر. 🙁


Who Viewed My Facebook Profile – Stalkers Visitors v1.6.0 / المرآة