مشغل موسيقى Pi [مفتوح]
🎶With 50 Million+ Downloads🔥 and an overall rating of 4.7 ⭐, Pi Music Player is one of the most accepted and loved Music Players available on the Google Play Store. Consisting of a variety of features that allow users not only to Listen to Music but also share and edit music, Pi Music Player is sure to become your default audio player. 🎶
4.4/5 الأصوات: 1,216,312
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Google Play
الإبلاغ عن هذا التطبيق


Pi Music Player is a stunning Music Player, beautifully crafted with Material Design in mind and packed with some extraordinary powerful features.

Do you want to get the best Musical Experience on your Android device?!

It is one of the Best Music Players which can fulfill all your Musical needs.

The built-in Equalizer adds a great value to your music hearing experience.

The more attractive and intuitive User Interface combined with the crisp and clean layouts will give you the best user experience.

You can easily browse through all your music files with the enhanced Folder view.

Pi Power Share is a secure cross platform music sharing feature powered by Send Anywhere. It lets you share anything you want like multiple tracks,multiple albums,multiple genres and even multiple playlists to anyone in the world. You can learn more about Pi Power Share here – http://100piapps.com/powershare.html

Easily set any song as your default Ringtone within seconds.
You can even cut any mp3 file using the Ringtone Cutter and make them as default Ringtone too.

الميزات الرئيسية:

★ Built-in 5 Band Equalizer with Bass Boost, 3D Reverb Effects, Virtualizer & 10 amazing presets.
★ Ringtone Cutter to precisely cut any mp3 file.
★ Pi Power Share
★ Enhanced Folder view of all music files.
★ Sleep Timer.
★ Swipe to change songs in Play Screen.
★ Edit metadata about tracks, albums, artists, genres.
★ Sleek, intuitive and beautifully crafted User Interface and Media Controls.
★ Three great themes – Gloss Theme, Light Theme and Dark Theme.
★ 25 amazing backgrounds for Gloss theme through in-app purchases.
★ Lock screen controls with Full Screen Album Art.
★ Cool Seamless transitions and animations.
★ Widget Support.

Pi Music Player is a Free (Ad supported) Music Player to be used with the local music files.

We are striving hard to make this music player perfect for you.
In any case,if you notice any bugs or crashes, kindly REPORT it by sending a mail to us.
We will definitely try to fix all the issues as soon as possible.

If you want to comment,give feedback or suggestions about this application, feel free to drop a mail to:
[email protected]

We will surely respond back to your mail.

Download APK

The default Album art image used in the Screenshot and application is designed by Freepik.
http://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/music .

For Best Experience, Please use Headsets for 3D Reverb Effects.


Some devices may not support 3D Reverb Effects. It depends on the hardware of the device.We apologize, if it does not work in your device

First 10 application opening will be ad-free.

Permissions Explained:

read sensitive log data –> To send the crash report to the developer.

read, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage –> To read, modify or delete the music files.

change your audio settings –> For equalizer and controls.

full network access & view network connections –> To show Ads and also to crash report to the developer.

modify system settings –> To change Ringtone of the device.

change system display settings –> Because there is no Landscape mode for Ringtone cutter and playback screen.

prevent device from sleeping –> Playback screen will not sleep when a song is playing.

Thank you so much for your patience and support! :)

★ Paid features Unlocked
★ متوافق مع AOSP
★ تمت إزالة رمز التصحيح
★ تم تغيير توقيع العبوة الأصلية
➡ اللغات لغات متعددة كاملة
➡ CPU architectures: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64
➡ شاشة DPIs: 160 نقطة في البوصة، 240 نقطة في البوصة، 320 نقطة في البوصة، 480 نقطة في البوصة، 640 نقطة في البوصة

لقطات الشاشة

  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة
  • Pi Music Player: Offline Music لقطة شاشة


Pi Music Player – Mp3 Music Player v3.1.4.8 [Unlocked] [Mod] / المرآة

الإصدار الأقدم

Pi Music Player – Mp3 Music Player v3.1.4.4 [Unlocked] [Mod] / المرآة

Pi Music Player – Mp3 Music Player v3.1.4.3 [Unlocked] [Mod] / المرآة

الوافدون الجدد

Latest Version:
🌟 Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Previous Versions:
🌟 Improvements for Android 13 users
🌟 Added battery permission request in order to minimise "music stopping" issue
🌟 Toggle to expand/collapse sections in Search page
🌟 Compatibility improvements for Android 12 users
🌟 YouTube Search has been discontinued from V3.1.5.0 because of latest Google policy changes
🌟 Playlist backup and restore feature enhancement

