CLZ Music - قاعدة بيانات الموسيقى [كامل]
Catalog your music collection (CDs or vinyl).
Note: This free download is a demo, limited to 100 albums.
Unlock the full app for US $15 (no database limits).
Auto-download full album details from our Core online music database
* Artist, Title, label, release year, genre, etc…
* Full song title lists, track lengths and cover images
Quickly add CDs and vinyl to your music database…
* by scanning CD barcodes with your device camera
* or by searching our Core database for vinyl by artist and title
Optional: Sign-up for a free CLZ Account and use the CLZ Cloud to:
* Make an online backup of your music collection database.
* Synch data between devices (e.g. phone and tablet).
* Transfer your unlocked database limit across devices.
* Synch data to/from the Music Collector desktop software (separate purchase).
FREE TO DOWNLOAD, unlock to No Limits for US $15
Download CLZ Music for free now and try it for yourself!
The free download allows a database size of 100 albums.
Unlock the app to an unlimited database size for US $15.
NOTE: this is a one-time purchases, not a monthly or yearly fee!
QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ? Come talk with us!
We are here to help. Either to answer your questions or to respond to your feedback / concerns. Just contact us using the little “?” button inside the app (top right).
That way, we can have a conversation, answer your questions, solve your problems, fix the bugs you found, etc… We love talking to our users, as it helps us improve the apps
Do you also collect movies, comics, books or games? Then check out our other Android apps, just search the Play Store for “CLZ”.
FULL Version Unlocked
لقطات الشاشة
روابط التحميل
CLZ Music – Music Database v4.14.1 [Full] APK / الرابط / الرابط / الرابط
الوافدون الجدد
* Some back buttons (and swiping to go back) would stop working after adding from Core
* Incorrect error message would appear after adding manually